Baby in Tune
Classes for Parents. And Babies Love Them Too.
Register for Class in NY and NJ

Red Tricycle
“After each class, you are left with a greater appreciation of the power of music, and as though you know just a few more tricks on how to be an awesome parent.”

Neve Campbell
“It’s not just a music class but a beautiful experience of sharing with a community about the challenges and joys of raising little ones. My son Raynor adores [Vered’s] album to the point where we play it at least 3 times a day. I’m so glad we discovered Vered!”

Mommy Poppins
“Vered’s music hands-down helped get me through the newborn phase. Vered is also known for her “Baby In Tune” classes where parent and baby can learn to use music to increase bonding and even develop routines.”
Schedule of Classes
New Jersey

Learn how to connect with you baby in utero while finding your parent tribe. Studies show that your fetus will remember the music that you sing now. Babies whose parents sung to them in utero cried less, were less fussy, and had less colic. Come build your repertoire and find your own inner voice.

0-9 Months
Bond with your baby and with other parents. Learn how to use music to establish routine, soothe, and communicate with your baby. We will sing songs that keep your baby stretching, swaying and smiling. There is a strong element of therapy for the parent through music and discussion.

9-36 Months
An introduction to rhythm and play with age-appropriate games. There is a strong element of therapy for the parent through music and discussion. Puppets, props, drums, and instruments get involved. These classes focus on language, movement, and getting to know your baby through play.
Frequently Asked Questions
What makes Baby in Tune classes different from others?
What does it mean to “host” a Baby in Tune group?
Can I come check it out before I commit?
What if I can’t make all 10 classes?
Do you offer remote classes?
What do I get when I sign up for the class?
What if my baby is on the cusp age for two different groups (e.g., 8 months old)?
What is the difference between the younger class and the older one?
Can my partner join?
Can the nanny/grandmother/neighbor/babysitter bring my baby?
What Parents Are Saying...
Don't Live in New York or New Jersey? I Got You!
Vered's online course is a comprehensive guide that will teach you how to be more confident in your parenting, more joyful with your baby, and have way more easier nights and days with your baby. The videos will take you step-by-step through activities that will enrich, calm, and delight your baby.
Yes! Sign me up!